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war sisters pack pt2 bite bullet armor battle book cross crown female hand helmet leader miniatures modular support fire wizard magic banner miniature dust flag wand hammer staff boardgame tabletop crossbow fist paladin patreon spell point dnd flail squad rally warriors crusader censer adepta battlesisters nuns eyepatch bitethebullet btb judgment 3D print model - Mito3D

war sisters pack pt2 bite bullet armor battle book cross crown female hand helmet leader miniatures modular support fire wizard magic banner miniature dust flag wand hammer staff boardgame tabletop crossbow fist paladin patreon spell point dnd flail squad rally warriors crusader censer adepta battlesisters nuns eyepatch bitethebullet btb judgment

Website: factory
Price: $27
Designer: Bite the Bullet
Last updated: 02/05/2024
Found: 06/12/2023
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