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ethiopian orthodox tawhedo church - 3d model scanthebalad c5297d6 documentation project main chappel after 50 years closed place cleared mines 2018 so we can now enter special site area bacame known &ldquo land monasteries&rdquo located right border jordan lowest earth minus 400 meters beneath sea level laser scanning + photogrammetry processed capturing reality original has 442 m polygons 3D print model - Mito3D

ethiopian orthodox tawhedo church - 3d model scanthebalad c5297d6 documentation project main chappel after 50 years closed place cleared mines 2018 so we can now enter special site area bacame known &ldquo land monasteries&rdquo located right border jordan lowest earth minus 400 meters beneath sea level laser scanning + photogrammetry processed capturing reality original has 442 m polygons

Website: sketchfab
Price: Free
Designer: ScanTheBalad
Last updated: 12/04/2024
Found: 13/07/2020
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