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bamboo print ready 3d model created zbrush have polygonal geometry prepared physical production printing cnc machining also making mold casting gypsum plastic metal chocolate etc can used interiour design vizualizationsthe original size digital bas relief 500x500x40mm scaled up down specifications customer's samples welcomed such providing photos your collecting figures nimals more us then we carving out other you satisfied product watch our products piece art investment only keep going value there aren't any craftman do type work vietnam located well-known hometown vietnamese ha noi city phu xuyen buddhism sculptures tea set pen container fish bowl screen flower trellis scenery character handicraft so birds beasts mascot figure series factory has strong capability welcome animals goods quality control system all must inspected before shipment company inherit fantastic traditional root workmanship lays much importance incorporate western technology choosing reliable partner give tranquil feeling get best low price in-time delivery if interested please feel free contact inquiry described long historyplease visit my gallery clicking username printable figurines thank let know opinion reviewing rating take consideration next time job better according interes thanks 3D print model - Mito3D

bamboo print ready 3d model created zbrush have polygonal geometry prepared physical production printing cnc machining also making mold casting gypsum plastic metal chocolate etc can used interiour design vizualizationsthe original size digital bas relief 500x500x40mm scaled up down specifications customer's samples welcomed such providing photos your collecting figures nimals more us then we carving out other you satisfied product watch our products piece art investment only keep going value there aren't any craftman do type work vietnam located well-known hometown vietnamese ha noi city phu xuyen buddhism sculptures tea set pen container fish bowl screen flower trellis scenery character handicraft so birds beasts mascot figure series factory has strong capability welcome animals goods quality control system all must inspected before shipment company inherit fantastic traditional root workmanship lays much importance incorporate western technology choosing reliable partner give tranquil feeling get best low price in-time delivery if interested please feel free contact inquiry described long historyplease visit my gallery clicking username printable figurines thank let know opinion reviewing rating take consideration next time job better according interes thanks

Website: renderhub
Price: $5
Designer: Dang Nhat Tan
Last updated: 11/04/2024
Found: 27/05/2020
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