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kratos guardian shield god war 2018 print ready 3d model - modelthe realistici have 3 formats 1 stl scale 6 version parts printing include part merged all size +x 15 cm +y 12 +z 10 cm- 92 74 51 cm2 ztl zbrush 2 files you can resize want obj import another sofwaresfor customers purchased href blackstar90 weapon-kratos-leviathan-axe-god-of-war-2018 weapon leviathan axe discount product them if get both & fix price just message mei hope like itand any question problem change missing something else ask me 3D print model - Mito3D

kratos guardian shield god war 2018 print ready 3d model - modelthe realistici have 3 formats 1 stl scale 6 version parts printing include part merged all size +x 15 cm +y 12 +z 10 cm- 92 74 51 cm2 ztl zbrush 2 files you can resize want obj import another sofwaresfor customers purchased href blackstar90 weapon-kratos-leviathan-axe-god-of-war-2018 weapon leviathan axe discount product them if get both & fix price just message mei hope like itand any question problem change missing something else ask me

Website: renderhub
Price: $42
Designer: Blackstar90
Last updated: 11/04/2024
Found: 27/05/2020
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